* You are viewing the archive for March 29th, 2012

Cultures of Knowledge Seminars 2012

2012_seminar_poster_newsWe are delighted to share the programme for the third and final Project seminar series. Entitled Cultures of Knowledge in Early Modern Europe, and this year convened by Howard Hotson (following sterling work by Pietro Corsi and Peter Harrison on the 2010 and 2011 cycle), the series assembles yet another glittering cast of eight authorities on early modern letters and correspondence. As ever, our speakers will range widely over the topic, providing status updates on world-renowned editions, rich historical case studies, state-of-the-art digital approaches, and theoretical reflections that encourage us to think differently about early modern epistolarity. Podcasts and write-ups from the 2010 and 2011 series will give you a flavour of the talks; for exciting discussion, slides, and an opportunity to engage with speakers informally over wine and nibbles following their papers, you are welcome to join us.

Seminars take place in Trinity Term 2012 on Thursdays at 3-5pm in the Faculty of History‘s light and airy Colin Matthew Room. For the full programme and further details, please see the seminar webpage. The seminar poster (pdf) can be downloaded on the right.